Our videos
Wenta awarded free Sky AdSmart TV advert campaign
Free TV advert from Sky Media (AdSmart SME support scheme, SME100).
A business journey: ImZTech Automotive Services & Performance Enhancements
Stevenage workspace client and ImzTech business owner, Imz, talks on his business journey so far and the support he's re…
A business journey: d20 Board Game Cafe
d20 owners, Michelle, Page and Mario, talk on their business journey so far and the support they've received from Wenta …
Ruth Farenga Presents: 'Mindful Leadership'
Founder of Mindful Pathway, Ruth talks about 'Mindful Leadership' at The btc BIG Thank You Event 2019 - Wellbeing in the…
Peter Reilly Presents: ‘Wellbeing and engagement: What’s the connection?’
Peter from the Institute of Employment Studies talks about ‘Wellbeing and engagement: What’s the connection?’ At The btc…
Tania Diggory Presents: 'Happy Mind, Happy Business'
Founder of Calmer, Tanya talks about 'Happy Mind, Happy Business' at The btc BIG Thank You Event - Wellbeing in the work…
Jennifer Duckworth Presents: ‘Understanding personality and how it can impact your wellbeing’
Jennifer, a Work Psychologist talks about ‘Understanding personality and how it can impact your wellbeing’ at The btc BI…
The Wenta Collaboration Station in Enfield
WATCH THE VIDEO! Wenta's fantastic Enfield co-working space and launch event.
The BIG Thank You Event at the btc 2019
The BIG Thank You Event at the btc 2019! We had a fantastic event focused on health and wellbeing in the workplace. This…
Watford Client Thank You Event 2018
Our first Client Thank You Event at our Watford business centre was a great success with amazing food, expo stalls, and …
btc Stevenage Client Thank You Event 2018
Another fantastic turnout for our Client Thank-You event, our way of celebrating the many clients here at our Stevenage …
Wenta 'Thank You' Event for clients in Enfield 2017
As a way to say thank you to all our clients at the Wenta Business Centre in Enfield, we put on an evening event complet…
Small Business Saturday Bus comes to Stevenage
VIDEO: The Small Business Saturday bus comes to Stevenage town centre for an event in partnership with Stevenage Borough…
CIM Marketing Workshops at Wenta - November 2017
The Chartered Institute of Marketing, East of England branch has partnered with Wenta to deliver affordable high-quality…
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